Chemical and Environmental Engineering Group

Dr. Reyes is Ingeniero Industrial Superior (Energy specialization) by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia UPV (2009), Master on Internal Combustion Engines by UPV (2011) and PhD. on Engineering by UPV (2013). During 2014-2015 he worked as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Bath United Kingdom). By the end of2015 he joined IMDEA Energy research center as postdoctoral researcher, activity that he combined with academia at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos as associated lecturer at Industrial Engineer Master degree.
His scientific production can be summarized in more than 30 scientific publications on high impact journals and international congresses. He has presented his work on prestigious congresses such as SAE World Congress (USA), ASME Turboexpo (Canada) or SolarPACES (Chile). Apart from previous merits, Dr. Reyes collaborates with several journals and international conferences as a reviewer and he is editorial board member of 2 international journals related to energy field.
His scientific and technological backgrounds include 13 research projects with main research centers and companies from energy and automotive sectors. Furthermore, he is inventor and co-inventor of 2 national patents. In 2016, he was awarded with prestigious research grant on renewable energy for young researchers from Fundaciテウn Iberdrola.

Flexible electricity dispatch for CSP plant using un-fired closed air Brayton cycle with particles based thermal energy storage system

Rovense, F.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.; Gonzテ。lez-Aguilar, J.; Amelio, M.; Bova, S.; Romero, M.

Annual performance of subcritical Rankine cycle coupled to an innovative particle receiver solar power plant

Reyes-Belmonte, M.A. Sebastian, A.; Spelling, J.; Romero, M.; Gonzテ。lez-Aguilar, J.

Optimization of solar aided coal-fired power plants using multi-criteria assessment

Zhu, Y.; Pei, J.; Cao, C.; Zhai, R.; Yang, Y.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.; Gonzテ。lez-Aguilar, J.; Romero, M.

Techno-economic analysis of solar tower aided coal-fired power generation system

Zhu, Y.; Zhai, R.; Yang, Y.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.

Annual performance of solar tower aided coal-fired power generation system

Zhu, Y.; Zhai, R.; Qi, J.; Yang, Y.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.; Romero, M.; Yan, Q.

A note on the optic characteristics of daylighting system via PMMA fibers

Song, J.; Zhu, Y.; Tong, K.; Yang, Y.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.

Lumped Capacitance and Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics conjugate heat transfer modeling of an automotive turbocharger

Burke, R.D.; Copeland, C.; Duda, T.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.

Optimization of a recompression supercritical carbon dioxide cycle for an innovative central receiver solar power plant

Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.; Sebastiテ。n, A.; Romero, M.; Gonzテ。lez-Aguilar, J.

A study on the internal convection in small turbochargers. Proposal of heat transfer convective coefficients

Serrano, J.R.; Olmeda, P.; Arnau, F.J.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.; Lefebvre, A.; Tartousi, H.

Importance of Heat Transfer Phenomena in Small Turbochargers for Passenger Car Applications

Serrano, J.R.; Olmeda, P.; Arnau, F.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.

Determination of heat flows inside turbochargers by means of a one dimensional lumped model

Olmeda, P.; Arnau, F.; Dolz, V.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.

A physically based methodology to extrapolate performance maps of radial turbines

Payri, F.; Serrano, J.R.; Fajardo, P.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.

Contribution to the modeling and understanding of cold pulsating flow influence in the efficiency of small radial turbines for turbochargers

Serrano, J.R.; Arnau, F.; Fajardo, P.; Vidal, F.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.

Assessment of a methodology to mesh the spatial domain in the proximity of the boundary conditions for one-dimensional gas dynamic calculation

Serrano, J.R.; Arnau, F.; Piqueras, P.; Reyes-Belmonte, M.A.
